251. What is ZUI in Computer Graphics?
A Widget
Logical Enhancement of GUI
An application that saves memory
None of above
252. In Bresenham’s Algorithm, While Generating a Circle, It is Easy to Generate?
One octant first and other by successive reflection
One octant first and other by successive rotation
One octant first and other by successive translation
All octants
253. Why Does a Circle Drawn on the Screen Appear to Be Elliptical?
It is due to the aspect ratio of monitor
Screen has rectangular shape
Our eyes are not at the same level on screen
CRT is completely spherical
254. In Bresenham’s Algorithm, Error Term is Initialized to?
None of above
255. Which of the Following Technique is Used in Midpoint Subdivision Algorithm?
Linear search
Heap sort
Binary search
Bubble sort
256. Which of the Following Clipping Algorithm Follows the Divide and Conquer Strategy?
4-bit algorithm
Cyrus break algorithm
Midpoint algorithm
Cohen-Sutherland algorithm
257. A Line with Endpoints Codes as 0000 and 0100 is?
Partially invisible
Completely invisible
Completely visible
Trivially invisible
258. Choose the Correct Statement?
Random scan monitors draw a picture one line at a time
The components line of a random scan picture must be refreshed in a particular order
Raster scan monitors draw a picture one line at a time
Random scan method is well suited for displaying shading and color areas
259. Hue of Color is Related to?
260. The Phenomenon of Having a Continuous Glow of a Beam on the Screen Even After It is Removed is Called as?
261. The Line , If Clipped Against This Window, Will Connect the Points?
(0, 1) and (3, 3)
(1, 2) and (4, 2)
(0, 1) and (2, 3)
None of above
262. Reflection of a Point About x-axis, Followed by a Counter-Clockwise Rotation of , is Equivalent to Reflection About the Line?
263. The Best Hidden Surface Removal Method Used for Complex Scenes with More Than a Few Thousand Surfaces is?
Depth sorting method
Octree method
Depth buffer algorithm
Both B and C
264. The Point at Which a Set of Projected Parallel Lines Appear to Converge is Called as a?
Convergence point
Point of illusion
Vanishing point
Point of delusion
265. The Basic Element of a Picture in Volume Graphics is?
None of above
266. Let R be the Radius of a Circle. The Angle Subtended by an Arc of Length R at the Center of the Circle is?
1 degree
45 degree
1 radian
Impossible to determine
267. A Bilinear Transformation Can Be Simulated by the Transformation?
Transformation, rotation and stretching
Translation and rotation
Rotation, stretching and inversion
Rotation, stretching, inversion and translation
268. A Circle, If Scaled Only in One Direction, Becomes a?
Remains a circle
269. When Several Types of Output Devices Are Available in Graphics Installation, It is Convenient to Use?
Bundled attributes
Inquiry attributes
Unbundles attributes
All of above
270. The Parametric Equations and Represent?
Rectangular hyperbola
271. In Displaying a Clipped Picture, the Efficient Method is?
Clipping against the window and then applying the window transformation
Applying window transformation and then clipping against the viewport
Both A and B have the same efficiency
Efficiency depends on whether the window is an aligned rectangle or not
272. The Anti-Aliasing Technique Which Allows Shift of 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 of a Pixel Diameter Enabling a Closer Path of a Line is?
Pixel phasing
Intensity compensation
Sampling technique
273. All the Hidden Surface Algorithms Employ Image Space Approach Except?
Back face removal
Scan line method
Depth buffer method
Depth sort method
274. The Major Components of CRT Are?
Electronic Gun
Control electrodes
Phosphorous coated screen
All of the above
275. ______ is Used to Regulate the Flow of Electrons in CRT?
Electronic Gun
Control electrode
Focusing electrode
All of the above
276. The Glow Given Off by the Phosphor During Exposure of the Electron Beam is Known as?
All of the above
277. Raster is a Synonym for the Term?
All of above
278. The ______ Simply Reads Each Successive Byte of Data from the Frame Buffer?
Digital Controller
Display Controller
Data Controller
All of above
279. Reflection of a Point About x-axis, Followed by a Counter-Clockwise Rotation of , is Equivalent to Reflection About the Line?
280. In the Raster Scan Method for Transformation, a Rotation Can Be Performed by?
Reversing the order of bits within each row in the frame buffer
By performing XOR on the frame buffer location
By copying each row of the block into a column in the new frame buffer location
None of above
281. Which of the Following is an Odd Function?
None of these
282. Oblique Projection with an Angle of to the Horizontal Plane is Called as?
Cabinet projection
Cavalier projection
Isometric projection
None of these
283. The people of the planet Mars designed a scale for measuring the temperature, in which water freezes at 100 units and boils at 250 units. The people of Jupiter designed a scale in which water freezes at 75 units and boils at 300 units. A temperature of 200 units in Mars will Jupiter?
284. (2, 4) is a point on a circle that has center at the origin. Which of the following points are also on circle?
(2, 4)
(4, 2)
(-4, 2)
All of above
285. A cube of side 1 unit is placed such that the origin coincides with one of its vertices and the three axes run along three of its edges. The vertex diagonally opposite to (0, 1, 0) is?
(0, 0, 0)
(1, 1, 0)
(0, 1, 1)
(1, 1, 1)
286. Which of the following statement is true?
Request, sample and event are the three basic modes of input
Keyboard is a device ideally suited for use in sample mode
A mouse is typically a device for inputting an absolute position on the screen
Special graphics hardware support is essential for providing menu-driven user interface to an application
287. Choose the incorrect statement from the following about the basic ray tracing technique used in image synthesis?
In this technique rays are cast from the eye point through every pixel on the screen
In this technique, viewing transformation are not supplied to the scene prior to rendering
This technique removes hidden surfaces.
In this technique rays are cast from the light source to the object in the scene
288. Aspect ratio is generally defined as the ratio of the?
Vertical to horizontal points
Horizontal to vertical points
Vertical to (horizontal + vertical) points
Either A or B, depending on the convention followed
289. The ISO standard for computer Graphics is?
Graphics Kernel System
Computer graphics standard
Graphics Standard System
None of above
290. Examples of Presentation Graphics are?
Bar Charts
Line Graphs
A and C
291. The technique used to summarize the financial, statistical, mathematical, scientific and economic data is?
Computer Art
Presentation Graphics
Image processing
None of above
292. Computer generated models of physical, financial and economic systems are often used for?
Educational Aid
Quality Control
None of above
293. Special System designed for some training application are known as?
Video Display Devices
None of above
294. Computer Graphics models are now commonly used for making?
Motion pictures
Television shows
Music Videos
All of above
295. Graphics and image processing technique used to produce a transformation of one object into another is called?
Half toning
None of above
296. The amount of light emitted by the phosphor coating depends on the?
Number of electrons striking the screen
Speed of electrons striking the screen
Distance from the cathode to the screen
None of above
297. The maximum number of points that can be displayed without overlap on a CRT is referred to as?
None of above
298. Gray scale is used in?
Monitor that have color capability
Monitor that have no color capability
Random scan display
None of above
299. Assuming that one allows 256 depth value levels to be used how much memory a 512 x 512 pixel display would require to store the z-buffer?
512 k
256 k
1024 k
128 k
300. Computer graphics was first used by:
William Fetter in 1960
James Fetter in 1969
James Gosling in 199
John Taylor in 1980
301. Constant intensity shading is called...
Flat shading
Narrow shading
Fast shading
None of the above
302. Give an example for absolute locator device
Touch panel
Light pen
None of the above
303. Identify a relative locator device from the following
Touch panel
Light pen
304. Identify the string device from the following:
305. Phong Shading is also called...
Flat shading
Normal vector interpolation shading
Constant intensity shading
None of the above
306. Gouraud shading is also known as:
Flat shading method
Intensity interpolation method
Normal vector interpolation method
Constant intensity shading method
307. Which one of the following calculations is/ are performed on the Gouraud Shading?
Determining the average unit normal vector at each polygon vertex
Apply an illumination model to each vertex to calculate the vertex intensity
Linearly interpolate the vertex intensities
All of the above
308. The phenomenon of having a continuous glow of a beam on the screen even after it is removed is called as
309. The best hidden surface removal methods used for complex scenes with more than a few thousand surfaces is/are
Depth sorting method
Octree method
Scan line algorithm
Both (A) & (B)
310. The anti-aliasing technique which allows shift of 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 of a pixel diameter enabling a closer path of a line is
Pixel phasing
Intensity compensation
Sampling technique
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