401. In modern computers bipolar semiconductor chips are often used in the arithmetic logic unit. What material is used for the slower and less expensive primary storage section?
Gallium arsenide (GaAs)
Metal oxide semiconductor
Gallium arsenide chips
402. Which type of memory chips are likely to be used in the primary storage of the future generation of computers?
Selenium chips
Bio chips
Optical chips
Gallium arsenide chips
403. How many bits can be stored in the 8K capital?
404. If a computer has a 1024 K memory, then what does the letter K stands for?
405. What was the amount of memory required by the earliest operating system called dos 1.0?
406. The storage device which is used to compensate for the difference in rates of flow of data from one device to another is called
I/O device
407. As a secondary storage medium, what is the most important advantage of a video disk?
Laser disk
Potential capacity
Cost effectiveness
408. What is the size of optical compact disk which is used for recording high quality music?
5½ inch
3½ inch
8 inch
409. Which part of the diskette never be touched?
Oval slot
Hole in the center
410. Memory is
A device that performs a sequence of operations specified by instruction in memory
The device where information in stored
A sequence of instruction
Typically characterized by interactive processing and time-slicing of the CPU's time to allow quick response to each user
411. Virtual memory
Is a method of memory allocation by which the program is subdivided into equal portions, 8 pages and core is subdivided into equal portions
Consists of those addresses that may be generated by a processor during execution of a computation
Is a method of allocating processor time
Allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at a time
412. AROM is used to store the table for multiplication of two 8 -bit unsigned integers. The size of ROM required is
256K x 6
4K x 16
64K x 8
64K x 16
413. The controller uses ______ to help with the transfers when handling network interfaces.
Input Buffer Storage
Bridge circuits
Signal enhancers
All of the above
414. To overcome the conflict over the possession of the BUS we use ______.
Multiple BUS structure
BUS arbitrators
None of the above
415. The seek time of a disk is 30 ms. It rotates at the rate of 30 rotations/second. The capacity of each track is 300 words. The access time is (approximately)
62 ms
50 ms
60 ms
47 ms
416. How many RAM chips of size (256K x 1 bit) are required to build 1 M byte memory?
417. If each address space represents one byte of storage space, how many address lines are needed to access RAM chips arranged in a 4 x 6 array, where each chip is 8K x 4 bits?
418. In a memory system, four 256 x 8 PROM chips are used to make total memory of size 1024 x 4. What is the number of address bus lines?
419. Consider a high speed 40 ns memory cache with a successful hit ratio of 80%. The regular memory has an access time of 100 ns. What is the average effective time for CPU to access memory?
52 ns
70 ns
60 ns
80 ns
420. What is the hit ratio of a cache if a system performs memory access at 30 nano seconds with the cache and 150 nano seconds without it? Assume that the each uses 20 nano sec memory, choose the closest approximate
421. Consider a disk with the following characteristics
Track size: 10,000 bytes
Rotational latency: 10 ms / revaluation
Block size: 1,000 bytes
What is the maximum transfer rate per track measured in bits per second as is conventional for this disk unit?
400 Mbps
6,400 Mbps
8 Mbps
4,250 Mbps
422. Increasing the RAM of a computer typically improves the performance because:
Virtual memory increases
Larger RAMs are faster
Fewer page faults occurs
Fewer segmentation faults occur
423. Which of the following requires a device driver?
Main memory
424. Which one of the following statements is false?
Virtual memory implements the translation of a programs address space into physical memory address
Virtual memory allows each program to exceed the size of the primary memory
Virtual memory increases the degree of multiprogramming
Virtual memory reduces the context switching overhead
425. The advantage of CMOS technology over a MOS is
Lower power dissipation
Greater speed
Smaller chip size
All of the above
426. The advantage of synchronous circuits over asynchronous one is...
Faster operation
Better noise immunity
Both A and B
Lower hardware equipment
427. Which of the following is not a form of memory?
Instruction cache
Instruction register
Instruction code
Translation lookaside buffer
428. In 2's complement, addition overflow
Is tagged whenever there is a carry for sign bit addition
Cannot occur when a positive value is added to a negative value
Is flagged when the carries from sign bit and previous bit match
None of the above
429. The performance of the pipelined processor suffers if...
The pipeline stage has different delay
Consecutive instructions depend on each other
The pipeline sages share hardware resources
All of the above
430. In absolute addressing mode...
The operand is inside the instruction
The address of the operand is inside the instruction
The register containing the address of the operand is specified in the instruction
Location of the operand is implicit
431. A processor needs software interrupt to
Test the interrupt system of the processor
Implement co routines
Obtain system services which need execution of privileged instructions
Return from subroutine
432. Horizontal microprogramming...
Does not require use of signal decoders
Results in larger sized micro-instructions than vertical micro-programming
Use one bit for each control signal
All of the above
433. The main difference (s) between a CISC and RISC processor is/are that a RISC processor typically has
A fewer instruction
A fewer addressing mode
A more register, an ease to implement using hardwired control logic
All of the above
434. The exponent of a floating-point number is represented in excess -N code so that
The dynamic range is large
The precision is high
The smallest number is represented by all zeros
Overflow is avoided
435. If negative numbers are stored in 2's complement form, the range of numbers that can be stored in 8 bits is......
-128 to +128
-128 to +127
-127 to +128
-127 to +127
436. On receiving an interrupt from an I/O device, the CPU
Halts for a pre-determined time
Hands over control of address bus and data bus to the interrupting device
Branches off to the interrupt service routine immediately
Branches off to the interrupt service routine after completion of the current instruction
437. In serial communication, an extra clock is needed
To synchronize the devices
For programmed baud rate control
To make efficient use of RS-232
None of the above
438. Which of the following rules regarding the addition of 2 given numbers is correct, if negative numbers are represented in 2's complement form?
Add sign bit and discard carry, if any.
Add sign bit and add carry, if any.
Don't add sign bit and discard carry, if any.
Don't add sign bit and add carry, if any.
439. The difference between 80486 and 80386 is/are...
Presence of floating-point co-processor
Speed of operation
Presence of 8 K cache on chip, presence of memory controller
All of the above
440. In virtual memory system, the addresses used by the programmer belongs to
Memory space
Physical addresses
Address space
Main memory address
441. The method for updating the main memory as soon as word is removed from the cache is called
Cache write
442. Which is true for a typical RISC architecture?
Micro programmed control unit
Instruction takes multiple cycles
Have fewer register in CPU
Emphasis on optimizing instruction pipelines.
443. After reset, CPU begins execution of instruction from memory address
444. In 8085 microprocessors how many I/O devices can be interfaced in I/O mapped I/O technique?
Either 256 input devices or 256 output devices.
256 I/O devices.
256 input devices & 256 output devices.
512 input-output devices.
445. DMA interface unit eliminates the need to use CPU registers to transfer data from
I/O units to memory
Memory to I/O units
446. How many 128 x 8 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 2048 bytes?
447. What is the bit storage capacity of a ROM with a 512 x 4-organization?
448. How many different addresses are required by the memories that contain 16K words?
449. The content of a 4-bit register is initially 1101. The register is shifted 2 times to the right with the serial input being 1011101. What is the content of the register after each shift?
450. ABCD - seven segment decoder / driver in connected to an LED display. Which segments are illuminated for the input code DCBA = 0001?
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