301. Students will be allocated to one department at least but cannot be allocated to more than 3 departments. Identify the cardinality between Department and Student
Department: 1 and Student: 1.*
Department: * and Student: 1.*
Department: 1..3 and Student: *
Department: * and Student: *
302. Which one of the following best characterizes a sequence diagram?
A tree illustrating inheritance relationship between classes
A call graph illustrating all possible sequences of calls between class method members
A time-line illustrating a typical sequence of calls between object methods
A time-line illustrating the changes in inheritance and instantiation relationships between classes and objects over time
303. ______ diagram helps to show Dynamic aspects related to a system.
304. If you are working on real-time process control applications or systems that involve concurrent processing, you would use a ______
State Diagram
Class Diagram
Activity Diagram
Object Diagram
305. "Book has pages". In this sentence what is relation between book and page classes?
306. How guard condition is represented in sequence diagram
Using ( )
Using [ ]
Using keyword condition
None of the mentioned
307. Bulls eye is use to denote ______.
Start state
Concurrent state
End state
None of the above
308. ______ shows a set of objects and their relationships.
Class diagram
Object diagram
Use case diagram
Collaboration diagram
309. A collaboration diagram depicts which one of the following types of information?
Structural information such as class association
The looping structure
The decision structure among the classes
The attribute values of the objects
310. Because of ______ reason the inheritance useful.
It prevents inherited properties from being lost
It minimizes the amount of code which has to be written
It creates elegant tree structures in the class model
It divides objects up into useful classes
311. ______ characteristics of a class implies that the same message can be interpreted by it differently.
312. Consider the statement: "Test can be Objective or Subjective." Assuming that Test and Subjective are two classes, what can be said about the relationship between these two classes?
Generalization - specialization
313. Login credentials are validated by system. Which relationship exists among login and validation use cases-
Login include Validation
Validation include Login
Login extend Validation
Validation extend Login
314. “Payment can be done through Credit Card or Debit Card”. In this relation payment is consider as ___
Base uses case
Extension point
None of the above
315. “Students work on project and get evaluated.” In this evaluation function is consider at ___
Project class
Student class
Association class of “works on”
Evaluation class
316. Solid circle is considering as start state only when ___
Previous states are not known
Idle state is not present
It is optional
None of the above
317. Merge (Hollow diamond) is use to
Split a single incoming flow into multiple concurrent flows
Bring together multiple flows that are not concurrent
Interrupt the flow denoted with a lightning bolt
Group related activities into one column
318. The vertical line in activity diagram represents
Decision and branching
Time event
Swim lanes
319. The vertical line in sequence diagram represents
Time line of object
Swim lanes
End of life
320. ______ is a crucial software development activity for both Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.
Conceptual modeling
Visibility modeling
System Modeling
Behavior Modeling
321. Domain Modeling is also known as:
Behavior modeling
Conceptual modeling
System modeling
322. During the domain analysis, which is the initial step of domain modeling, the objects are to be identified. These objects are classified into three categories,
Boundary objects, Controller objects, Entity objects
Class objects, data objects, meta objects
Controller object, model object, view object
All of above
323. Boundary objects are also called ______.
Interface objects
Class objects
Model objects
Meta objects
324. A domain model is a representation of real-world conceptual classes, not of software components.
325. IS this a domain model?
[\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline \text{Card} & \text{DecK} \ \hline \end{array}] [\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline \text{Privacy} & \text{CribbageBoard} \ \hline & \text{Peg} \ \hline \end{array}]
326. Conceptual modelling represents ______.
Important relationships between them
All of the mentioned
327. ______ are the sequence of steps for conceptual process.
Add Attributes
Add Classes
Add Association
All of the mentioned
328. ______ is the third step in sequence for conceptual class modelling.
Adding Class
Adding Association
Adding Attribute
None of the mentioned
329. The method of design encompassing the process of object oriented decomposition and a notation for depicting both logical and physical and as well as static and dynamic models of the system under design is known as:
Object-Oriented Programming
Object-Oriented Design
Object-Oriented Analysis
None of the mentioned
330. What is the programming style of the object-oriented conceptual model?
Invariant relationships
Classes and objects
Goals, often expressed in a predicate calculus.
331. The essential characteristics of an object that distinguish it from all other kinds of objects and thus provide crisply defined conceptual boundaries, relative to the perspective of the viewer is called:
332. Abstraction is classified into ______ types
333. The process of compartmentalizing the elements of an abstraction that constitute its structure and behavior is called as
Entity Abstraction
334. Single inheritance, Multiple inheritance, and Aggregation comes under
None of the mentioned
335. In which of the following mechanisms, types of all variables and expressions are fixed at compilation time.
Strong Typing
Weak Typing
Static Binding/ early binding
Dynamic Binding/ late binding
336. In which of the following mechanisms, types of all variables and expressions are not known until runtime
Strong Typing
Weak Typing
Static Binding/ early binding
Dynamic Binding/ late binding
337. Which of the following statements about Persistence is correct?
It is the enforcement of the class of an object, such that objects of different types may not be interchanged, or at the most they may be interchanged only in very restricted ways.
It is the property of an object through which its existence transcends time and/or space.
It is the property that distinguishes an active object from one that is not active.
All of the mentioned
338. What is that concept in type theory in which a single name may denote objects of many different classes that are related by some common superclass referred to ______.
Type Checking
339. Identify the problem of the GRASP pattern: What is a basic principle by which to assign responsibilities to objects?
Low coupling
High cohesion
Information Expert
340. Identify the problem of the GRASP pattern: Who creates object A?
Low coupling
High cohesion
Information Expert
341. Identify the problem of the GRASP pattern: What first object beyond the UI layer receives and coordinates “controls” a system operation?
High cohesion
Information Expert
342. Identify the problem of the GRASP pattern: How to reduce the impact of change? How to support low dependency and increased reuse?
High Coupling
Low Coupling
High Cohesion
Low Cohesion
343. Identify the problem of the GRASP pattern: How to keep objects focused, understandable, manageable and as a side effect support Low Coupling?
High Coupling
Low Coupling
High Cohesion
Low Cohesion
344. Identify the problem of the GRASP pattern: Where to assign a responsibility to avoid direct coupling between two or more things?
Pure Fabrication
345. Identify the problem of the GRASP pattern: How handle alternatives based on type?
Pure Fabrication
Information Expert
346. Identify the problem of the GRASP pattern: What object should have the responsibility, when you do not want to violate High Cohesion and Low Coupling, but solutions offered by other principles are not appropriate?
High Cohesion
Low Coupling
Pure Fabrication
347. Identify the problem of the GRASP pattern: How to design objects, subsystems and systems so that the variations or instability in these elements does not have an undesirable impact on other elements?
Protected Variations
High Cohesion
Low Coupling
Pure Fabrication
348. Identify the problem of GoF pattern: How do you ensure that it is never possible to create more than one instance of a singleton class?
349. Identify the problem of GoF pattern: How do you reduce the interconnection between classes, especially between classes that belong to different modules or subsystems?
350. Identify the problem of GoF pattern: How can you most effectively make use of a method that already exists in the other class?
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