6. Theory of Computation and Computer Graphics
6.1 Introduction to Finite Automata
Introduction to Finite Automata and Finite State Machines
Equivalence of DFA and NDFA
Minimization of Finite State Machines
Regular Expressions
Equivalence of Regular Expression and Finite Automata
Pumping Lemma for Regular Language
6.2 Introduction to Context-Free Language
Introduction to Context-Free Grammar (CFG)
Derivative Trees (Bottom-up and Top-down Approach, Leftmost and Rightmost Derivation)
Language of a Grammar
Parse Tree and its Construction
Ambiguous Grammar
Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Greibach Normal Form (GNF), Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
Push Down Automata
Equivalence of Context-Free Language and PDA
Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Language
Properties of Context-Free Language
6.3 Turing Machine
Introduction to Turing Machines (TM)
Notations of Turing Machine
Acceptance of a String by a Turing Machine
Turing Machine as a Language Recognizer
Turing Machine as a Computing Function
Turing Machine as an Enumerator of Strings of a Language
Turing Machine with Multiple Tracks
Turing Machine with Multiple Tapes
Non-Deterministic Turing Machines
Church-Turing Thesis
Universal Turing Machine for Encoding of Turing Machines
Computational Complexity, Time and Space Complexity of a Turing Machine
Intractability, Reducibility
6.4 Introduction to Computer Graphics
Overview of Computer Graphics
Graphics Hardware (Display Technology, Architecture of Raster-Scan Displays, Vector Displays, Display Processors, Output and Input Devices)
Graphics Software and Software Standards
6.5 Two-Dimensional Transformation
Two-Dimensional Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection, Shear Transformation
2D Composite Transformation
2D Viewing Pipeline
World to Screen Viewing Transformation and Clipping (Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping, Liang-Barsky Line Clipping)
6.6 Three-Dimensional Transformation
Three-Dimensional Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection, Shear Transformation
3D Composite Transformation
3D Viewing Pipeline
Projection Concepts (Orthographic, Parallel, Perspective Projection)
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