251. Translate English to FOPL: All kings are person.
"x: Kings(x) → Person(x).
"x: Kings(x) V Person(x).
"x: Kings(x) ←→ Person(x).
"x: Kings(x) ^Person(x).
252. Translate English to FOPL: Nobody loves Harry_Maguire
-Loves (x, Harry_Maguire).
ILoves (x, Harry_Maguire).
Loves (nobody, Harry_Maguire).
-Loves (Harry_Maguire).
253. The primary difference between PL and FOPL is their ontological commitment (What exists in the world — TRUTH). Do you satisfy with the statement?
Do not Satisfy
Partially Satisfy
Rather not say
254. Propositional logic is declarative. i.e., the pieces of syntax correspond to facts so FOPL was introduced.
Strongly True
Strongly False
May be True
May be False
255. ______ is the major families of first-order inference algorithms.
Forward chaining
Backward chaining
All of above
256. Bayes' theorem is also known as Bayes' rule, Bayes' law, or Bayesian reasoning, which determines the probability of an event with ______.
Unwanted knowledge
Uncertain knowledge
257. ______ is unavoidable in everyday reasoning and in many real-world domains.
Certainty in reasoning
Uncertainty in reasoning
258. ______ is the main sources on uncertainty in reasoning.
Imprecise knowledge
Incomplete knowledge
Unreliable knowledge
All of above
259. Representing a certain knowledge using Predicate logic (PL) and First order logic (FOL): Eg; "Patient Akshay has a cavity". Represent this English sentence in logic.
PL: Cavity FOL: Dental Disease (Akshay, Cavity)
PL: Akshay FOL: Dental Disease (Akshay, Cavity)
PL: Akshay ⇔ Cavity FOL: Dental Disease (Cavity, Akshay)
PL: Cavity,Akshay FOL: Dental Disease (Akshay, Cavity)
260. In ______ commitments: An agent believes a sentence to be true; false or has no opinion.
Both A and B
None of above
261. In ______ commitments: Facts hold or do not hold in the world.
Both A and B
None of above
262. How many terms are required for building a bayes model?
1 conditional probability and 2 unconditional probability
2 conditional probability and 1 unconditional probability
3 conditional probability and 0 unconditional probability
0 conditional probability and 1 unconditional probability
263. During ______ the bayes rule can be implemented
Accessing queries
Increasing reliability
Decreasing reliability
Answering probabilistic query
264. Bayesian network provides ______.
Complete description of the domain
Few descriptions of the domain
Complete description of the problem
Few descriptions of the problem
265. By implementing ______ Bayesian network can be used to answer any user query.
Partial distribution
Joint distribution
Full distribution
Random Variable
266. Belief network, decision network, Bayesian model are all known as ______
Non-bayesian belief network
Bayesian belief network
Bayesian non-belief network
None of above
267. The Bayesian network graph does not contain any cyclic graph. So, it is known as a ______.
Direct Cyclic Graph
Direct Acyclic Graph
Cyclic Acyclic Graph
Significant Acyclic Graph
268. Bayesian Network has ______ variables.
Both A and D
269. A belief network is a graph in which the following holds ______.
A set of random variables
A set of directive links or arrows connects pairs of nodes.
The conditional probability table for each node
The graph has no directed cycles
All of above
270. A Belief network with one node for each state and sensor variable for each time step is called a ______
Dynamic belief network
Static belief network
Serial belief network
Probability belief network
271. In ______ expertise is transferred from an expert to a computer and it is stored in computer.
User Interface
Expert System
Inference Engine
Natural Language Processing
272. In ______ users can call on the computer for specific advice as needed for the user.
User Interface
Expert System
Inference Engine
Natural Language Processing
273. In ______ the computer can make inferences and arrive at the conclusion.
User Interface
Expert System
Inference Engine
Natural Language Processing
274. In ______ the computer system advices the non-experts and explains, if necessary, the actual logic behind the advice which it has provided.
User Interface
Expert System
Inference Engine
Natural Language Processing
275. Expert System can ______.
Display intelligent behavior
Draw conclusions from complex relationships
Provide portable knowledge
All of the above
276. ______ is one of the components of expert system.
Knowledge base and Inference Engine
User Interface and Explanation subsystem (facility)
Working Area
All of above
277. The ______ is one of the components of an expert system which represents facts and rules.
Inference Engine
Knowledge Base
User Interface
Explanation Subsystem
278. The most basic function of the ______ is to acquire relevant data from the knowledge base, interpret it, and find a solution to the user’s problem.
User interface
Inference engine
Explanation Subsystem / module
None of above
279. ______ is used to allow the expert systems to acquire more data from various sources and store it in the knowledge base.
User interface
Knowledge acquisition and learning module
Explanation Subsystem / module
None of above
280. ______ is essential for a non-expert user to interact with the expert system and find solutions.
User interface
Knowledge acquisition and learning module
Explanation Subsystem / module
None of above
281. ______ and ______ are 2 strategies used by inference engine in Expert system.
Forward gaining, backward gaining
Forward processing, backward processing
Forward chaining, backward chaining
Forward debugging, backward debugging
282. With ______ strategy, an expert system is able to answer the question, “What can happen next?”
Backward chaining
Forward chaining
Forward debugging
Backward debugging
283. With ______ strategy, an expert system is able to answer the question, “Why did this happen?”
Backward chaining
Forward chaining
Forward debugging
Backward debugging
284. Rule-based is the type of ______.
Computer System
Knowledge Base
Expert System
Inference Engine
285. A ______ is nothing but expert system without knowledge base.
User Interface
Inference Engine
286. What is the full form of JESS Expert System Technology?
Javascript Expert Sub System
Javascript Expert System Shell
Java Expert Sub System
Java Expert System Shell
287. ______ means how a particular thing can be accomplished in AI.
Procedural knowledge
Declarative knowledge
Tacit Knowledge
Explicit Knowledge
288. ______ means basic knowledge about something in AI.
Procedural knowledge
Declarative knowledge
Tacit Knowledge
Explicit Knowledge
289. ______ emphasize how to do something to solve a given problem.
Procedural knowledge
Declarative knowledge
Tacit Knowledge
Explicit Knowledge
290. ______ emphasize what to do something to solve a given problem.
Procedural knowledge
Declarative knowledge
Tacit Knowledge
Explicit Knowledge
291. ______ is the extraction of knowledge from sources of expertise, and transfer to the knowledge base.
Knowledge requisition
Knowledge acquisition
Knowledge processing
Knowledge debugging
292. ______ may also include acquiring knowledge from other sources such as books, technical manuscript and drawings.
Knowledge requisition
Knowledge elicitation
Knowledge processing
Knowledge debugging
293. Knowledge engineer performs important tasks
Identifying the problem domain.
Choosing the right expert.
Preparing for knowledge acquisition.
All of above
294. During choosing the right expert for implementing on Expert System ______ should be one of the desirable characteristics of expert.
Knows when to follow heuristics and when to make exceptions.
Sees the big picture.
Possesses good communication skills.
All of above
295. ______ are the tasks performed in knowledge acquisition.
Collect and interpret
All of above
296. Introspection, Observation, Induction, Protocol Analysis, Prototyping and Interviewing are the techniques of ______.
Knowledge Processing
Knowledge elaboration
Knowledge acquisition
Knowledge debugging
297. ______ is the process of communicating with a computer in natural language via keyboard or voice.
Natural Language Processing
Natural Sentence Processing
Machine Learning
Computer Visioning
298. ______ refers to AI method of communicating with an intelligent system using a natural language such as English, Nepali, Hindi etc.
Natural Language Processing
Natural Sentence Processing
Machine Learning
Computer Visioning
299. ______ is the main challenges of NLP.
Handling Ambiguity of Sentences
Handling Tokenization
Handling POS-Tagging
All of the mentioned
300. These are the 2 components of natural language processing.
Natural language debugging and natural language compiling
Natural language publishing and natural language maintenance
Natural language organizing and natural language implementing
Natural language understanding and natural language generation
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